Work didn’t stop during the lockdown. It just went virtual. Adjusting to lockdown life has been a steep learning curve for everyone, and we’ve been doing our part to help.
For example, Transmission CEO Chris Bagnall took part in BrightTalk’s Flip the Switch event in May, talking about the effect of the lockdown on marketing budgets. He joined Kirsten Cox, VP Marketing EMEA, VMware and Jess Bahr, Senior Director of Growth & Analytics, NS1.
BrightTalk’s own research showed that in response to the lockdown, 54% of respondents decreased marketing budgets, 33% maintained their spend, but only 13% increased it.
For those increasing spend, it’s money very well spent as the increase in share of voice will bring significant dividends.
Chris also blogged in detail about the discussion. He also answered some questions about life in lockdown in this 10 questions video.
For those still trying to navigate B2B social media, our social media team produced this helpful guide about using social media during a pandemic, when your audience is in lockdown.
The information is not made on assumptions or intuition but hard data, developed in partnership with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – you will find something useful for your campaigns inside.
Transmission’s director of client services Alex Wares produced this article to show 7 ways in which B2B marketers can adapt to the lockdown, from how to deal with meetings or events, to which media is most effective, to how to refocus your messaging.
Of course there are longer-term trends bubbling away that were relevant before the lockdown and will continue to be relevant. Senior account executive Emma Acton reported from the Kickass Women Slay the Tech World event, hosted by General Assembly and Women in Tech Club as part of International Women’s Day.
The question is simple – if only 25% of those driving change in business are women, how can the industry call itself forward-thinking? And the biggest question: if marketing is to satisfy the needs of a diverse audience, don’t those audience needs to be represented?
Finally, Head of Content Strategy, Stuart Roberts looked at the growing importance of sustainability in every aspect of business. Blackrock founder, Larry Fink, told CEOs in his annual letter that climate change and the environment are top concerns, which means companies will be increasingly focused on green issues. Green, not greed, is good. And green is now very good business.